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The Tropical Dry Forest Habitat Bank -
Cauca River Canyon

Family, restoration, opportunities

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The Tropical Dry Forest Habitat Bank in Cauca River Canyon is located in the town of Liborina Antioquia´s Department. This new environmental conservation area is located in theRiparian Reserve of the Cauca River.


The Bank has an area of 132.67 hectares and is thethird Habitat Bank structured and registered by Terrasos. This one, in particular, will protect the ecosystem of Tropical Dry Forest (BsT) that is consider, one of the most fragmented and threatened ecosystems in our country.


The properties that today are part of the Tropical Dry Forest Habitat Bank in Cauca River Canyon, have been used for livestock, but a few years ago their owners decided to start a conservation processwhich today is consolidated with the formalization of this initiative, where we will begin to implement conservation and restoration processes in order to accelerate the recovery of biodiversity in this region and enable the consolidation of safe and lasting ecological corridors for the fauna that lives there.

We structure and implement offset strategies and environmental investments, under criteria of sustainability and permanence. We structure and operate habitat banks and other offsets and investment mechanisms under payment-for-performance schemes.

of the area

The selection of the properties to establish the Cauca River Canyon Habitat Bank was made taking into account the presence of the ecosystem of Tropical Dry Forest,whose restoration and preservation at the national level is defined as a priority. In addition, the choice of the area represents a possibility of generating connectivity in the long term. This area is very important for Colombia and for the region because it has an significant availability and influence on the water resource, with 5 main drainages that support life, especially during dry season. The conservation and recovery of this ecosystem will have a direct impact on changes in temperature, precipitation, risk management and regional climate resilience.


Through the implementation of this Habitat Bank, 10.01 hectares will be conserved 86.54 hectares will be enriched and 35.87 hectares will be restored These goals will be achieved by replacing artificial coverage with natural coverage, increasing forest coverage through its restoration, as well as conserving forest coverage that is in good condition.

If your work, project or activity is located in any of the blue areas of the maps that appear on the side, you can comply with your environmental obligations derived from mandatory investments of no less than 1% or biodiversity loss offsets, both mandatory and voluntary, in this Habitat Bank.


For additional information you can contact us or leave your questions through the  Contact tab.


Important species for conservatio

According to secondary information and the baseline characterization carried out, in this Habitat Bank we are protecting63 species of plants, 88 species of birds and 7 species of mammals of medium or large size.


Some of the species that will be part of the conservation and restoration processes in this project will be thediomate(Astronium graveolens), which is in a regional ban due to its excessive use, as well as theGuyacan dust(Handroanthus chrysanthus). In terms of fauna, this bank will provide habitat for a species of bird endemic to the Rio Cauca valley in Antioquia known as the Paisa Wren (Thryophilus sernai), which is also in danger of extinction according to the IUCN, because of the high rates of degradation of the Tropical Dry Forest.

Get to know the experience of the owners in the process of joining the Banco de Hábitat!

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“The option was to produce oxygen and conserve biodiversity”

Interview: Mauricio Montoya. July, 2021


Mauricio Montoya decided to convert the land that his family has traditionally used for livestock activities into a Habitat Bank, Liborina’s Habitat Bank, in Antioquia. This project will help preserve the Tropical Dry Forest,one of the most threatened ecosystems in Colombia and which has had an impact on its conservation because of productive and extractive activities and the development of urban projects.

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