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Aguadulce Habitat Bank – Sumapaz River
Biodiversity, community y future


The Aguadulce-Río Sumapaz Habitat Bank is located south of the municipality of Nilo in the department of Cundinamarca and adjacent to the Sumapaz River, which later flows into the upper part of the Magdalena River.


This initiative is made up of four properties who came together in search of the conservation and preservation of the biodiversity of the area with a total of 124 hectares.


Thanks to its location in a mountainous area, this Habitat Bank has a mosaic of ecosystems among which stands out the Tropical Dry Forest, riparian and gallery forests, Premontane Humid Forest and it also has relationships with agricultural systems of great importance to the local inhabitants.

Sustainable territories

The ecosystems and natural processes that are protected with this conservation project are key to adaptation to climate change and avoid the violation of the surrounding communities, guaranteeing the provision of water resources, the regulation of flows and the reduction of risks related to water.

If your work, project or activity is located in any of the blue areas of the maps that appear on the side, you can comply with your environmental obligations derived from mandatory investments of no less than 1% or biodiversity loss offsets, both mandatory and voluntary, in this Habitat Bank. 

For additional information you can contact us or leave your questions through Contact tab.


of the area

This project is extremely important since it covers ecosystems that have been heavily disturbed, transformed and fragmented throughout history.


Furthermore, the tropical dry forest is considered one of the ecosystems facing the greatest threat in Colombia and the world. At this time, this type of ecosystem is classified as in “Critically Endangered” by IUCN.


The Aguadulce Habitat Bank - Sumapaz River has forest and semi-natural areas that are in structural states and successional trajectories that suggest their permanence over time and thus continue to provide ecosystem services and habitat quality for biodiversity.

Species of conservation importance

Inside of theAguadulce Habitat Bank - Sumapaz River, five species of vegetation important for conservation were recorded along with four species of endemic plants.

Additionally, in terms of fauna, ten species of birds of interest for conservation live within the project area, such as theBlack-hooded Raccoon (Cranioleuca curtata) that is in a vulnerable state (VU).


There was also evidence of the presence ofocelot (Leopardus pardalis)which is in the vulnerable category (VU).

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